Reduces autonomous knitting cooldown from the default 48 hours down to 4 hours.
A sim with knitting skill and a knitting bag in their inventory should be able to start a knitting project or resume an in-progress knitting project autonomously.
You’ll see a “Knit” action briefly appear in the sim’s action queue, and then it will immediately cancel.
Also, if you’ve created a club where knitting is an encouraged activity, during a club gathering, club members do not autonomously knit.
You can read more about this at EA Answers HQ: Sims no longer autonomously knit and Sims do not knit in club gathering. If you have these issues, make sure you visit the bug threads and click the “Me Too” button.
This mod fixes an issue with the knitting tuning files and also reduces the autonomous knitting cooldown timer from 48 hours to 4 hours.
- This mod is for players who own Nifty Knitting stuff pack on PC/Mac.
- The mod rewrites the tuning file for Knitting Crafting Phase and Knitting Autonomous Cooldown Buff, the tuning files for autonomously beginning a knitting project and autonomously resuming knitting, as well as the club rules tuning for knitting. If you have any other mods that change the same tuning files, they may clash with this mod.
- Updated 29 August 2021: the mod has been updated to also fix the issue where sims in a knitting club do not autonomously knit. To knit, each club member must already have a yarn bag in their inventory.
- Note: the bugs that this mod was originally created for have been fixed by game updates, but if you like the auto knitting cooldown reduced, you can keep the mod installed.
Downloading and installing the mod
Download the mod package file and place it in your Mods folder for The Sims 4, found in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods.
You can check the compatibility with the latest game update on the mod status overview page.
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hi, is still working?
because I see that the same mistake continues to happen, that the action of action never runs, not even at club meetings, not only with the knitting ability also passes with cross stitch that came with the Cottage Living Pack
I’ve just tested it today on one of my sims with knitting skill and it seems to be working. They were able to autonomously select and start a knitting project, and also continue an in-progress knitting project autonomously. It only fixes the issues and linked bug threads in the description.
I’ve uploaded a new version of the mod which should also allow knitting during club gatherings. The mod has never fixed any issues with autonomous cross stitching from Cottage Living – that’s a completely different skill and issue, which you can find more information about at EA Answers HQ.
thank you for the update of the mod, I am super excited because now the clubs perform the animation, thank you very much for taking the time to update and the hassle, I hope you will find some for the cross-stitch autonomy because in the clubs do not make autonomous members of the club, although everyone has a basket in their inventory, but thanks again for updating the mod and adding the function for clubs
hi! I’ve just tried out this mod but it doesn’t seem to have fixed the issue with me, I guess it’s not been updated lately? just bought the nifty knitting pack only to find it doesn’t work, so gutting!
I just tested this on my sim who knits, and she autonomously started knitting after I waited for a while, so it seems like that’s working for me. I did have to lock her in her bedroom where there’s nothing else to do – if you’re not seeing your sims knit on their own, then there’s probably more fun things to do around the place than knitting, it’s all down to whatever scores the highest in their autonomous choices.
Is this mod still necessary? The linked forums all say the issues have been fixed. Is that not true?
You probably don’t need it if you aren’t experiencing the bugs any more. I have personally kept it on in my own game because I made the mod reduce the knitting cooldown from 48 to 4 hours. So it’s more of a tweak now rather than a bug fix. I just like to see my sims start knitting autonomously more often.