Makes butlers employed by the lot they are hired on, instead of the Windenburg Butler Academy, reducing the chance that they change during rotational play or when your sims travel away from the lot.
Continue reading Butler Tweaks
Makes butlers employed by the lot they are hired on, instead of the Windenburg Butler Academy, reducing the chance that they change during rotational play or when your sims travel away from the lot.
Continue reading Butler TweaksMakes it more likely that friends of your teens will appear as other students at active high school, and reduces the frequency of the early graduation phone call.
Continue reading High School Years TweaksI can’t believe it has been one whole year since I launched!
Over the last year, I’ve released some mods that I hope helped you fix some bugs and issues that came up in patch updates for The Sims 4. Memorable ones include fixing the issues with NAPs in Eco Lifestyle and the one for fixing the Zoomers Food Delivery service.
There were also:
I’d like to give a shoutout to the supporters who bought me coffees this month 🤗. Instead of getting a latte, I put that towards renewing the site’s domain registration for another year, which was extremely helpful – thank you!
Happy birthday! 🥳🎉
Fixes an issue that prevents using Minor Growth Fertilizer and Hyper Growth Fertilizer to fertilize oversized crops.
Continue reading Growth Fertilizers FixAllows maids and butlers to clean up dusty homes with their own vacuum cleaner.
Continue reading Service NPC Vacuuming FixMakes singing an inappropriate behaviour while using the hot springs at the onsen bathhouse.
Continue reading Snowy Escape TweaksI hope those of you who have the new Cottage Living expansion pack are enjoying it as much as I am 😊!
The expansion pack came along with a base game update patch (21 July), and shortly afterwards there was a smaller hotfix patch (27 July) which resolved some bugs.
I just wanted to keep people up to date on the mods – as far as I’m aware they mostly seem to be working with the current game version ( Leave me a comment if you notice otherwise.
I uploaded a new mod, Food Delivery Fix, which helped workaround an issue with the first July patch related to the new Zoomers Food Delivery service. But that was fixed by the hotfix patch a week later. The mod is still worth using though if you are having issues interacting with the Pizza Delivery person after they drop off a pizza (there’s still an open bug where you can’t give them a tip, which the mod fixes).
I also updated Vampiric Interactions Fixes with a new fix that is supposed to help tone down NPC use of bat form and mist form travel powers. If you’ve been experiencing NPC vampires excessively using those teleport abilities to do things at close range, like teleporting just to turn around and face another direction, then maybe the mod will help!
Thanks to the anonymous person who bought me a coffee this month. I really needed it!☕
Fixes an issue causing autonomous knitting to drop out of the action queue and allows autonomous knitting during club gatherings.
Continue reading Autonomous Knitting FixRemoves childhood phase traits if they get stuck during rotational play.
Continue reading Stuck Childhood Phases FixIn general my mods don’t need to be updated that often and will keep working through newer game updates, unless there’s some major change in code.
It’s been a while though, so here are a couple of updates:
Knitting Skill Book Fix – updated for compatibility with Eco Lifestyle. The mod was updated to match the game’s version of the tuning files which has values for recycled bits gained when putting the skill books into a recycler. They weren’t present when the mod was created.
Eco Lifestyle Interactions Fixes – updated for compatibility with Likes and Dislikes, which is a new game feature added by the May 2021 patches.
Better Hospital Staff – added new functionality for nurses to greet patients if there’s no orderly present at the hospital during the work shift.
All of my other mods currently available seem to still work with the latest game updates and don’t need changing.