Stuck Childhood Phases Fix

Removes childhood phase traits if they get stuck during rotational play.


Normally, when a chid or teenager enters a phase, a hidden buff is placed on the sim, along with a countdown timer that lasts for a maximum of three sim days. After that time has passed (or if your sim parents have encouraged them to do actions that reduce the length of the phase), then it should go away.

A bug can happen if you play households in a rotational playstyle, meaning you like to switch between different families and households, instead of just sticking with one family all the time (such as in legacy playstyle).

If a child or a teen has a phase, and you switch away to play a different household and their phase timer comes to an end while they weren’t the active household, then the phase trait might not have been removed properly, and that child or teen stays in a state where the phase is permanently stuck on them until they age up and it gets removed during the age transition.

You can read more about this bug on EA Answers HQ: Teens/Kids getting stuck in phases on rotational play. If you have this issue, be sure to visit the bug thread and click the “Me Too” button.

This mod automatically removes phase traits on child and teen sims that have no phase buff, allowing new phases to begin shortly after.


  • This mod is for players who own Parenthood game pack on PC/Mac.
  • The mod rewrites the tuning for the add childhood phase commodity loot action. If you have any other mods that change the same tuning file, they may clash with this mod.
  • 15 March 2024: a completely brand new version of this mod, which works in a completely new way replaced the original. You should delete the old version and replace it with the latest version.

Downloading and installing the mod

Download the mod package file and place it in your Mods folder for The Sims 4, found in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods.

You can check the compatibility with the latest game update on the mod status overview page.

Like this mod? You can support me at

6 thoughts on “Stuck Childhood Phases Fix”

  1. hello, when i have childhood stage traits there is error message if i move to high school prom. can you test it? thank you so much

    Last Module Called:
    Last Function Called: _remove_buffs
    Error message: [manus] sim_info_manager failed to handle zone unload due to exception (KeyError: 164763), CategoryID: trait_tracker:1061

  2. I get errors:

    Exception Date: 2024-02-10 22:42:09 Game Version: Category ID:
    Recommended Action There is bad tuning in this mod: \Simvasion\simvasion_childhoodphases_fix.package
    Delete it from your mods folder or see if the author has an updated version.
    If it is a multi-package mod make sure you update all of them.

    Possible Cause
    (Confidence: 100%)
    Reason [manus] sim_info_manager failed to handle zone unload due to exception (KeyError: 164765)
    MCCC Version 2024.1.0

    1. Not sure what is causing this error because all of the tuning seems good to me – it matches what you get in game and Lot51’s TDESC builder. So I’m going to take the mod down until the issue goes away – maybe there’s a problem with the game’s trait tracker?

  3. This mod helped to remove the stuck Picky Eater Phase from my game, but aged my child to teen in the process.

    1. Are you sure that there wasn’t some other coincidental reason the child aged up, such as it being their time, or some other bug or mod involved? My mod has absolutely no influence over ageing whatsoever – it’s a small tuning tweak that only changes one function that the game runs on every child and teen constantly checking if it needs to add a phase or not, and just makes that remove phase traits too if needed. Removing traits doesn’t cause sims to age up either.

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